This is an inclusive list of science fiction television programs whose names begin with the letter S. ==S== *Saber Marionette (franchise): * *''Saber Marionette J'' (1996–1997, Japan, animated) * *''Saber Marionette J to X'' (1998–1999, Japan, animated) *''Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs'' (1987–1988, Japan, animated) *''Salvage 1'' (1979) *''Samurai 7'' aka ''Samurai Sebun'' (2004, Japan, animated) *''Samurai Jack'' (2001–2004, animated) *''Sanctuary'' (2008–2012, Canada) *''Sapphire & Steel'' (1979–1982, UK) *''Savage Dragon'' (1995–1996, animated) IMDb *''Science Fiction Theatre'' (1955–1957, anthology) *''Sealab 2021'' (2000–2005, animated) *''seaQuest DSV'' renamed ''seaQuest 2032'' for third season (1993–1996) *''Second Hundred Years, The'' (1967–1968) *''Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, The'' (2000) *''Secret Agent Man'' (2000) *''Secret of Cerulean Sand'' (2002, Japan, animated) *''Secret Saturdays, The'' (2008–2010, animated) *''Secret Service, The'' (1969, UK, puppetry) *''Secret World of Alex Mack, The'' (1994–1998) *''Secrets of Isis, The'' (1975–1977) *''Sectaurs'' (1985, animated) *''Sense8'' (2015) *''Sentinel, The'' (1997–1999) *''Serial Experiments Lain'' (1998, Japan, animated) *''Seven Days'' (1998–2001) *''Sgt. Frog'' (2004–present, Japan, animated) *''Shadow Raiders'' (1998–1999, Canada, animated) *''Shadows'' (1995–present) *''Sharad of Atlantis'' (1966, film) aka ''Undersea Kingdom'' (1936, film serial) *''Shazam!'' (1974–1977) *''Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century'' (1999–2001, Scotland, animated) *''Sherlock Hound'' (1984–1985, Japan, animated) *''Silent Möbius'' (1998, Japan, animated) *''Silver Surfer'' (1998, animated) *''SilverHawks'' (1986, animated) *''Silversun'' (2004, Australia) *''Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World'' (1999–2002, Canada/Australia/New Zealand) *''Six God Combination Godmars'' (1981-1982, Japan, animated) *''Six Million Dollar Man, The'' (1974–1978) *''Sky Commanders'' (1987, animated) *''Skyland'' aka ''Skyland, The New World'' aka ''Skyland, Le Nouveau Monde'' (French) (2005–2007, France/Canada/Luxembourg, animated) *''SKYSURFER Strike Force'' (1996–1997, animated) *''Sleepwalkers'' (1997–1998) *''Sliders'' (1995–2000) *''Slugterra'' (2012–present, US/Canada, animated) *''Small Wonder'' (1985–1989) *''Snorks'' (1984–1989, Belgium/US, animated) (elements of science fiction) *''So Weird'' (1999–2001) *''SoltyRei'' (2005–2006, Japan, animated) *''Something Is Out There'' (1988, miniseries) *Sonic the Hedgehog (franchise): * *''Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog'' aka ''AoStH'' (1993, US/France, animated) * *''Sonic the Hedgehog: The Animated Series'' aka ''Sonic SatAM'' aka ''SatAM'' (1993–1995, US, animated) * *''Sonic Underground'' aka ''Sonic le Rebelle'' (1998–1999, France/US, animated) * *''Sonic X'' (2003–2004, Japan, animated) *''Space: 1999'' (1975–1978, UK) *''Space: Above and Beyond'' (1995–1996) *''Space Academy'' (1977–1979) *''Space Ace'' (1965–1966, Japan, animated) *''Space Angel'' (1962–1964, animated) *Space Battleship Yamato aka Space Cruiser Yamato (franchise): * *''Space Battleship Yamato'' (1974–1975, Japan, animated) * *''Space Battleship Yamato II'' (1978–1979, Japan, animated) * *''Yamato: The New Voyage'' aka ''Bon Voyage Yamato'' (1979, Japan, animated, film) * *''Star Blazers'' (1979–1984, ''Space Battleship Yamato'' adaptation, US/Japan, animated) * *''Space Battleship Yamato III'' (1980–1981, Japan, animated) * *''Space Battleship Yamato 2199'' (2012–2013, Japan, animated) *''Space Carrier Blue Noah'' aka ''Thundersub'' (US/Canada) aka ''Nave Anti-Espacial'' (Spanish) (1979–1980, Japan, animated) *''Space Cases'' (1996–1997) *''Space Command'' (1953–1954, Canada) *''Space Dandy'' (2014, Japan, animated) *''Space Emperor God Sigma'' (1980-1981, Japan, animated) *''Space Island One'' (1998, UK/Germany) *''Space Kidettes, The'' (1966–1967, animated) IMDb *''Space Odyssey: Voyage To The Planets'' (2004, UK, docufiction) *''Space Patrol'' (1950–1955) *''Space Patrol'' (1963–1964, UK) aka ''Planet Patrol'' (US) *''Space Pirate Mito'' (1999, Japan, animated) *Space Precinct (franchise): * *''Space Police'' (1986, ''Space Precinct'' pilot) * *''Space Precinct'' (1994–1995) *''Space Rangers'' (1993) *''Space Runaway Ideon'' (1980–1981, Japan, animated) *''Space Sentinels'' aka ''The Young Sentinels'' (1977, animated) *Space Stars (1981–1982, anthology, animated) (franchise): * *''Herculoids, The'' (1967–1969, 1981–1982, animated) * *''Astro and the Space Mutts'' (1981–1982, ''Jetsons, The'' spin-off, animated) * *''Space Ghost'' (1966–1968, animated) * *''Space Ghost Coast to Coast'' aka ''SGC2C'' (1994–2001, ''Space Ghost'' parody, animated) * *''Teen Force'' (1981–1982, animated) * *''Cartoon Planet'' (1995–2000, 2012–present, ''Space Ghost Coast to Coast'' spin-off, animated) *''Space Strikers'' (1995, animated) *''Space Warrior Baldios'' (1980-1981, Japan, animated) *''Spaceballs: The Animated Series'' (2008, animated) *''Spaced Out'' (2002, France/Canada, animated) *''Spadla z oblakov'' aka ''She Came Out of the Blue Sky'' (1978–1979, Czechoslovakia) *''Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea'' aka ''Mondes Engloutis, Les'' (The Engulfed Worlds) aka ''Shagma and Arkadia'' (1985–1987, France, animated) *''Sparticle Mystery, The'' (2011-2013) *''Special Armored Battalion Dorvack'' (1983–1984, Japan, animated) *''Special Unit 2'' (2001–2002) *''Spectre (1977 film)'' (1977, UK, film) *Speed Racer (US adaptation) aka Mach Go Go Go (Japan) (franchise): * *''Speed Racer'' (1967–1968, Japan, animated) * *''New Adventures of Speed Racer, The'' (1993–1994, US, animated) * *''Speed Racer X'' (1997–2003, Japan/US, animated) * *''Speed Racer: The Next Generation'' (2008–2013, US, animated) *''Spellbinder'' (1995, Australia) *''Spicy City'' (1997, anthology, animated) *Spider-Man (franchise): * *''Spectacular Spider-Man, The'' (2008–2009, animated) * *''Spider-Man'' (1967–1970, animated) * *''Spider-Man'' (1978–1979, Japan) * *''Spider-Woman'' (1979–1980, animated) * *''Spider-Man'' (1981–1982, animated) * *''Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends'' (1981–1983, animated) * *''Spider-man Unlimited'' (1999–2001, animated) * *''Spider-Man: The Animated Series'' (1994–1998, animated) * *''Amazing Spider-Man, The'' (1977–1979) * *''Spider-Man: The New Animated Series'' (2003, animated) * *''Spidey Super Stories'' (1974–1977) * *''Ultimate Spider-Man'' (2011–present, animated) *''Spider Riders'' (2006–2007, Canada/Japan, animated) *''Spiral Zone'' (1987, animated) *''Spliced'' (2010–2011, Canada, animated) *''SpongeBob SquarePants'' (1999–present, animated) (elements of science fiction in some episodes) *''Stand, The'' (1994, miniseries) *''Star Command'' (1996, film) *''Star Cops'' (1987, UK) *''Star-Crossed'' (2014) *''Star Maidens'' (1976, UK) *Star Trek (franchise): * *''Star Trek: The Original Series'' aka ''ST:TOS'' (1966–1969, first series) * *''Star Trek: The Animated Series'' aka ''ST:TAS'' (1973–1974, ''Star Trek: The Original Series'' spin-off, animated) * *''Star Trek: The Next Generation'' aka ''ST:TNG'' (1987–1994, second series) * *''Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'' aka ''ST:DS9'' (1993–1999, third series, ship-based seasons 3–7) * *''Star Trek: Voyager'' aka ''ST:VOY'' (1995–2001, fourth series) * *''Star Trek: Enterprise'' aka ''ST:ENT'' (2001–2005, fifth series) * *''Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special'' (1991, special, documentary) IMDb * *''Star Trek: A Captain's Log'' aka ''William Shatner's Star Trek Memories'' (1994, special, documentary) IMDb *Star Wars (franchise): * *''Star Wars Holiday Special, The'' (1978, special, film) * *''Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure'' (1984, film) * *''Star Wars: Droids'' (1985–1986, US/Canada, animated) * *''Star Wars: Ewoks'' (1985–1986, US/Canada, animated) * *''Ewoks: The Battle for Endor'' (1985, film) * *''The Great Heep'' (1986, ''Star Wars: Droids'' sequel, animated) * *''R2-D2: Beneath the Dome'' (2001, mockumentary) * *''Star Wars: Clone Wars'' (2003–2005, animated) * *''Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed'' (2007, special, documentary) * *''Star Wars: The Clone Wars'' (2008–2014, animated) * *''Lego Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2'' (2009, film, animated) * *''Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace'' (2011, special, animated) * *''Star Wars Rebels'' (2014–present, animated) *''Star Wolf'' (1978, Japan) *''StarCom: The U.S. Space Force'' (1987, animated) *''Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land'' aka ''Starflight One'' (1983, film) *Stargate (franchise): * *''Stargate Atlantis'' aka ''SGA'' (2004–2009, Canada/US) * *''Stargate Infinity'' aka ''SGI'' aka ''Infinity'' (2002–2003, animated) * *''Stargate SG-1'' aka ''SG-1'' (1997–2007, Canada/US, ship-based seasons 6–10) * *''Stargate Universe'' aka ''SGU'' (2009–2011, Canada/US) *''Starhunter'' (2000–2004, Canada) *''Starhyke'' (2011, UK) *''Starlost, The'' (1973–1974, Canada) *''Starman'' (1986–1987) *''Starship Operators'' (2005, Japan, animated) *''Starzinger'' (1978–1979, Japan, animated) *''Static Shock'' (2000–2004, animated) *''Steel Jeeg'' (1976-1976, Japan, animated) *''Stellvia'' (2003, Japan, animated) *''Stepford Children, The'' (1987) *''Stingray'' (1964–1965, UK, puppetry) *''Storm Hawks'' (2007–2009, Canada, animated) *''Stormworld'' (2009–present, Australia/Canada) *''Stowaway to the Moon'' (1975, film) *''Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry'' (2006–2007, Japan, animated) *''Strange Days at Blake Holsey High'' aka ''Black Hole High'' (2002, Canada) *''Strange Frequency'' (2001) IMDb *''Strange Luck'' (1995–1996) *''Strange World'' (1999–2002) *''Stranger, The'' (1964–1965, Australia) *''Stranger, The'' aka ''Stranded in Space'' (1973, film, pilot) *''Stranger from Space'' (1951, UK) IMDb *''Strangerers, The'' (2000, UK) *''Stratos 4'' (2003, Japan, animated) *Street Fighter (franchise): * *''Street Fighter II V'' (1995–1996, Japan, animated) * *''Street Fighter'' (1995–1997, animated) *''Street Hawk'' (1985) *''Street Sharks'' (1994–1995, animated) *Strike Witches (franchise): * *''Strike Witches'' (2008, Japan, animated) * *''Strike Witches 2'' (2010, Japan, animated) *''Stripperella'' (2003–2004, animated) (elements of science fiction) *''Super Force'' (1990–1992) *Super Friends (franchise): * *''Super Friends'' (1973–1974, animated) * *''All-New Super Friends Hour, The'' (1977–1978, animated) * *''Challenge of the Super Friends'' (1978, animated) * *''Super Friends'' (1980–1982, animated) * *''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show'' (1984–1985, animated) * *''Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, The'' (1985–1986, animated) * *''World's Greatest Super Friends, The'' (1979–1980, animated) *''Super Hero Squad Show, The'' (2009–2011, animated) *''Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!'' aka ''SRMTHFG'' (2004–2006, US/Japan, animated) *Super Robot Wars (franchise): * *''Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars'' (2006–2007, Japan, animated) *Super Sentai (franchise): * *''Himitsu Sentai Gorenger'' aka ''Gorenger'' aka ''Goranger'' (1975–1977, Japan) * *''J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai'' aka ''The Jackers'' (1977, Japan) * *''Battle Fever J'' (1979–1980, Japan) * *''Denshi Sentai Denziman'' aka ''Denjiman, Electric Fighters'' aka ''Denziman'' (1980–1981, Japan) * *''Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan'' aka ''Sun Vulcan'' (1981–1982, Japan) * *''Dai Sentai Goggle-V'' aka ''Dai Sentai Goggle Five'' aka ''Goggle V'' (1982–1983, Japan) * *''Kagaku Sentai Dynaman'' (1983–1984, Japan) aka ''Dynaman'' (US) * *''Choudenshi Bioman'' (1984–1985, Japan) aka ''Bioman'' (US/France) * *''Dengeki Sentai Changeman'' aka ''Changeman'' (1985–1986, Japan) * *''Choushinsei Flashman'' aka ''Flashman'' (1986–1987, Japan) * *''Hikari Sentai Maskman'' aka ''Maskman'' (1987–1988, Japan) aka ''Bioman 2'' (France) * *''Choujuu Sentai Liveman'' aka ''Liveman'' (1988–1989, Japan) aka ''Bioman 3'' (France) * *''Kousoku Sentai Turboranger'' aka ''Turbo Rangers'' (1989–1990, Japan) * *''Chikyu Sentai Fiveman'' aka ''Fiveman'' aka ''Sky Rangers'' (1990–1991, Japan) * *''Chōjin Sentai Jetman'' aka ''Jetman'' (1991–1992, Japan) * *''Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger'' aka ''Zyuranger'' aka ''Galaxy Rangers'' (1992–1993, Japan) * *''Gosei Sentai Dairanger'' aka ''Dairanger'' aka ''Star Rangers'' (1993–1994, Japan) * *''Ninja Sentai Kakuranger'' aka ''Kakuranger'' aka ''Ninja Rangers'' (1994–1995, Japan) * *''Chōriki Sentai Ohranger'' aka ''Ohranger'' (1995–1996, Japan) * *''Gekisou Sentai Carranger'' aka ''Carranger'' (1996–1997, Japan) * *''Denji Sentai Megaranger'' aka ''Megaranger'' (1997–1998, Japan) * *''Seijuu Sentai Gingaman'' aka ''Gingaman'' (1998–1999, Japan) * *''Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive'' aka ''GoGoFive'' (1999–2000, Japan) * *''Mirai Sentai Timeranger'' aka ''Timeranger'' (2000–2001, Japan) * *''Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger'' aka ''Gaoranger'' (2001–2002, Japan) * *''Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger'' aka ''Hurricaneger'' (2002–2003, Japan) * *''Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger'' aka ''Abaranger'' (2003–2004, Japan) * *''Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger'' aka ''Dekaranger'' (2004–2005, Japan) * *''Mahou Sentai Magiranger'' aka ''Magiranger'' (2005–2006, Japan) * *''GoGo Sentai Boukenger'' aka ''Boukenger'' (2006–2007, Japan) * *''Juken Sentai Gekiranger'' aka ''Gekiranger'' (2007–2008, Japan) * *''Engine Sentai Go-onger'' aka ''Go-onger'' (2008–2009, Japan) * *''Samurai Sentai Shinkenger'' aka ''Shinkenger'' (2009–2010, Japan) * *''Tensou Sentai Goseiger'' aka ''Goseiger'' (2010–2011, Japan) * *''Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger'' aka ''Gokaiger'' (2011–2012, Japan) * *''Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters'' aka ''Go-Busters'' (2012–2013, Japan) * *''Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger'' aka ''Akibaranger'' (2012-2013, Japan) * *''Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger'' aka ''Kyoryuger'' (2013–2014, Japan) * *''Ressha Sentai ToQger'' aka ''ToQger'' (2014–2015, Japan) * *''Shuriken Sentai Ninninger'' aka ''Ninninger'' (2015–Present, Japan) *''Supercar'' (1961–1962, puppetry) *''Supergirl'' (2015) *''Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad'' (1994–1995, US ''Denkou Choujin Gridman'' adaptation) *''Superjail!'' (2008–present, animated) *Superman (franchise): * *''Smallville'' (2001–2011) * *''Krypto the Superdog'' (2005–2006, animated) * *''Superman: The Animated Series'' (1996–2000, animated) * *''Superman'' (1988, animated) * *''Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman'' (1993–1997) * *''Superboy'' aka ''Adventures of Superboy, The'' (1988–1992) * *''Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, The'' (1967–1968, animated) * *''New Adventures of Superman, The'' (1966–1970, animated) * *''Adventures of Superboy, The'' (1961, pilot) * *''Adventures of Superman'' (1952–1958) *''Superstretch and Microwoman'' (1979, animated, ''Tarzan and the Super 7'' segment) *''Surface'' (2005–2006) *Survivors (franchise): * *''Survivors'' (2008–2010, UK) * *''Survivors'' (1975–1977, UK) *Swamp Thing (franchise): * *''Swamp Thing'' (1990–1993) * *''Swamp Thing'' (1991, animated) *''SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron'' (1993–1995, animated) *''Sym-Bionic Titan'' (2010–2011, animated) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of science fiction television programs, S」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク